Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Manhattan Project "Roll (& Write) Selection"? "Role & Write"? Continued

Well, I've thought about this some more, made up a reference/score sheet, played some solo and 3p games, and made some adjustments and tried again...

Isaac Shalev was in town, and we played and discussed the game a little bit. Saturday I got a test in at the game store. Yesterday I played with Andy van Zandt (from TMG) as well. Good feedback each time.

Currently I need to adjust some scoring, and maybe add a little bit to get more cross strategy possibilities going on, such as add yellow cake production to one of the factories. Then I think the game could be in fairly good shape.

A few other details, like swapping the bombs so that the more lucrative bomb is the first one, not the last one, should also help players pursue strategic paths a bit. The goal being to provide a few different paths without making it just be "I'm doing energy this time", or "I'm making bombs this time".

I never intended to go quite this far with the game, but okay this rate I'll probably submit it to the contest (the deadline isn't until September) and just see how it does.

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